2023 Distinguished Paper Award (DPA) in the Spray, Droplet, and Supercritical Combustion Colloquium

In this 13-part series of articles, The Combustion Institute recognizes the 2023 Distinguished Papers selected from among the scientific papers presented during the 39th International Symposium on Combustion. Congratulations to Hao Zhao, Chao Yan, Guohui Song, Ziyu Wang, and Yiguang Ju for winning the DPA in the Spray, Droplet, and Supercritical Combustion colloquium.    
The investigation for their paper titled, “Studies of low and intermediate temperature oxidation of propane up to 100 atm in a supercritical-pressure jet-stirred reactor,” stemmed from the belief that kinetic experiments and theoretical computations at high pressures above 100 atm are highly needed for investigating the supercritical combustion chemistry in practical high-pressure engine systems. The low and intermediate temperature oxidation of propane has been investigated by using a novel supercritical pressure jet stirred reactor (SP-JSR) with and without 20% CO2 additions at fuel lean and rich conditions at 10 and 100 atm and 500-1000 K. The group found that a supercritical pressure jet stirred reactor provides a valuable platform for performing kinetic studies at low and intermediate temperatures at extreme pressures with a uniform temperature distribution and a short flow residence time. The experiment shows that at 100 atm, a much weaker NTC behavior is observed because the HO2 intermediate temperature chemistry is substantially shifted to lower temperatures.
Drs. Zhao, Yan, Song, and Ju are all affiliated with Princeton University in the state of New Jersey, USA.
Over 1,500 papers were submitted to the 39th International Symposium on Combustion. All papers were categorized into one of thirteen colloquia and then distributed to Colloquium Coordinators and Co-Chairs. Each paper received at least three reviews from qualified individuals through the peer-review process. Less than 50 percent of the papers submitted were accepted for presentation.
Following the symposium, one paper presented in each colloquium is awarded the distinction of Distinguished Paper. Visit here to view the presentation. The 13 Distinguished Papers undergo committee review for consideration for the Silver Combustion Medal. A paper selected for this honor exemplifies quality, achievement, and significance to advance a field of combustion science, and was awarded during the 40th International Symposium in Milan, Italy.