Highlights from the 14th Annual Meeting of the SAS-CI

The 14th Annual Meeting of the Saudi Arabian Section of The Combustion Institute (SAS-CI) was held from 30-31 October 2024 at the King Faisal Conference Center at King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This year’s meeting focused on the theme, “Igniting Innovation for a Cleaner Energy Future,” and attracted 115 registrants from around Saudi Arabia, as well as several from outside Saudi Arabia.

Participants at the 14th Annual Meeting of the SAS-CI.

Plenary Lectures were delivered by an esteemed group of speakers, including:
  • Prof. Philip de Goey, Eindhoven University of Technology: “Metal Particle Combustion”
  • Dr. Amjad Alqahtani, Aramco: “Carbon Accounting in Oil and Gas Industry”
  • Prof. Arshid M. Ali, King Abdulaziz University: “Waste to Energy – recent perspective”
The meeting’s Technical Program also featured two panel discussions, four distinct sessions dedicated to research presentations, and 30 poster presentations.
Notably, this meeting also featured the introduction of several new awards, including:
  • The SAS-CI Combustion Champion Award, awarded to Dr. Amer Amer (Saudi Aramco) for, “his role in establishing SAS-CI and the many contributions to combustion science and engineering."

SAS-CI Chair Prof. Bassam Dally presents the Combustion Champion Award to Dr. Amer Amer.
  • The SAS-CI Young Talent Award, awarded to two individuals:
    • Dr. Dapeng Liu, Clean Energy Research Platform, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST): “In recognition of his development of innovative UV absorption diagnostic techniques for combustion-relevant species.”
    • Dr. Junjun Guo, Clean Energy Research Platform, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST): “In recognition of his many tangible contributions to numerical combustion research.”

SAS-CI Chair Prof. Bassam Dally presents the Young Talent Award to Dr. Dapeng Liu (Left) and Dr. Junjun Guo (Right).

Overall, the 14th Annual Meeting of the SAS-CI was a success, attracting a significant number of participants and featuring an exceptional Technical Program. Learn more about the SAS-CI here.