Call for Papers: 40th International Symposium on Combustion

The Call for Papers for the 40th International Symposium on Combustion has been released. Program Co-Chairs (PCCs), Bassam Dally, Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia, and José L. Torero, University College, London, United Kingdom have led the process to form the foundation of a successful symposium. The paper submission process, combustion colloquium categories, and more have been set for the symposium. 

The Combustion Institute and the Program Co-Chairs (PCCs) are committed to a fair and efficient evaluation of the submitted manuscripts. In addition to the usual ‘Oral Paper Presentation’ (OPP), a new presentation category, termed ‘Poster Paper Presentation’ (PPP), will be introduced. A review committee, considering the author’s choice and the criteria, (available here), will assess the best mode of presentation of each paper and will split them into the OPP or the PPP track. The final decision will be made by the PCCs. The acceptance rate will be consistent for all submissions and not a factor of presentation format. Authors of both OPPs and PPPs will submit a 20-minute video recording of their paper presentation, to be made available to delegates online.  

To provide a forum for presentation and discussion of works in progress, poster sessions will be displayed in a forum, accessible to all, for viewing and discussion with authors. Presentation in Work-in-Progress Poster (WiPP) sessions will be determined on the basis of a one-page abstract. A full-length paper is not required. The posters presented in WiPP sessions will not be published in the Proceedings of The Combustion Institute.

Paper submissions must be received by the deadline of 4 December 2023WiPP abstract submissions must be received by the deadline of 8 May 2024.

The CI’s 40th International Symposium – Emphasizing Energy Transition will convene at the Allianz MICO Congress Center in Milan, Italy from Sunday, 21 July through Friday, 26 July 2024. Scientists, engineers, and others interested in combustion are invited to attend and participate in this biennial world congress of The Combustion Institute. The biennial symposium provides a scientific venue for sharing ideas and experiences on the development and applications of combustion science. 

Questions regarding the symposium may be directed to