Distinguished Papers


Distinguished papers are selected biennially from among the scientific papers presented during the International Symposium on Combustion and accepted for publication in the Proceedings of The Combustion Institute. One paper is selected for each represented colloquium as the most distinguished in quality, achievement, and significance.

Papers and Recipients by Colloquium


Low Emission Combustion Technologies

2022: Combustion of lean ammonia-hydrogen fuel blends in a porous media burner
Guillaume Vignat, Bassem Akoush, Edna Rebeca Toro Garza, Emeric Boigné, Matthias Ihme

Gas-Phase Reaction Kinetics

2022: Theoretical kinetics of HO2 + C5H5: A missing piece in cyclopentadienyl radical oxidation reactions
Luna Pratali Maffei, Matteo Pelucchi, Tiziano Faravelli, Carlo Cavallotti

2021: Automated theoretical chemical kinetics: Predicting the kinetics for the initial stages of pyrolysis
Sarah N. Elliott, Kevin B. Moore III, Andreas V. Copan, Murat Keceli, Carlo Cavallotti, Yuri Georgievskii, Henry F. Schaefer III, Stephen J. Klippenstein

2019: Knowledge generation through data research: New validation targets for the refinement of kinetic mechanisms
N. Hansen, X. He, R. Griggs, K. Moshammer

2017: Quantitative HNO detection behind shock waves
Nancy Faßheber, Marvin C. Schmidt, Gernot Friedrichs

2015: Adventures on the C3H5O potential energy surface: OH + propyne, OH + allene and related reactions
Judit Zádor, James A. Miller

2013: Synchrotron photoionization measurements of fundamental autoignition reactions: Product formation in low-temperature isobutane oxidation
Arkke J. Eskola, Oliver Welz, John D. Savee, David L. Osborn, Craig A. Taatjes

2011: Multi-species time-history measurements during n-dodecane oxidation behind reflected shock waves
D.F. Davidson, Z. Hong, G.L. Pilla, A. Farooq, R.D. Cook, R.K. Hanson


2022: Water vapor in hydrogen flames measured by time-resolved collisional dephasing of the pure rotational N2 CARS signal
Leonardo Castellanos, Francesco Mazza, Alexis Bohlin

2021: Single-shot imaging of major species and OH mole fractions and temperature in non-premixed H2/N2 flames at elevated pressure 
T.F. Guiberti, Y. Krishna, W.R. Boyette, C. Yang, W.L. Roberts, and G. Magnotti

2019: Single-ended mid-infrared laser-absorption sensor for time-resolved measurements of water concentration and temperature within the annulus of a rotating detonation engine  
Wen Yu Peng, Séan J. Cassady, Christopher L. Strand, Christopher S. Goldenstein, R. Mitchell Spearrin, Christopher M. Brophy, Jay B. Jeffries, Ronald K. Hanson

2017: Single-shot 3D flame diagnostic based on volumetric laser induced fluorescence (VLIF)
Lin Ma, Qingchun Lei, Jordan Ikeda, Wenjiang Xu, Yue Wu, Campbell D. Carter

2015: Development of two-beam femtosecond/picosecond one-dimensional rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy: Time-resolved probing of flame wall interactions
Alexis Bohlin, Markus Mann, Brian D. Patterson, Andreas Dreizler, Christopher J. Kliewer

2013: Absolute light calibration using S-type thermocouples
Bin Ma, Marshall B. Long

2011: Picosecond time-resolved pure-rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy in sooting flames
Christopher J. Kliewer, Yi Gao, Thomas Seeger, Johannes Keifer, Brian Patterson, Thomas Settersten

Laminar Flames

2022: Effects of low-temperature chemical reactions on ignition kernel development and flame propagation in a DME-air mixing layer
Yiqing Wang, Wang Han, Thorsten Zirwes, Feichi Zhang, Henning Bockhorn, Zheng Chen

2021: The effect of pressure on the hydrodynamic stability limit of premixed flames
Antonio Attili, Rachele Lamioni, Lukas Berger, Konstantin Kleinheinz, Pasquale E. Lapenna, Heinz Pitsch, Francesco Creta

2019: Effect of stoichiometric mixture fraction on nonpremixed H2–O2–N2 edge-flames
Zhenghong Zhou, Siena S. Applebaum, Paul D. Ronney

2017: Stabilization and extinction of diffusion flames in an inert porous medium
M.A. Endo Kokubun, F.F. Fachini, M. Matalon

2015: Self-sustaining n-heptane cool diffusion flames activated by ozone
Sang Hee Won, Bo Jiang, Pascal Diévart, Chae Hoon Sohn, Yiguang Ju

2013: Behavior of preheated premixed flames at rich conditions
Joseph Gibson, Mohsen Ayoobi, Ingmar Schoegl

2011: Strain rate effects on the nonlinear development of hydrodynamically unstable flames
Francesco Creta, Moshe Matalon

Turbulent Flames

2022: Effects of differential diffusion on hydrogen flame kernel development under engine conditions
Hongchao Chu, Lukas Berger, Temistocle Grenga, Zhao Wu, Heinz Pitsch

2021: On the combined effect of internal and external intermittency in turbulent non-premixed jet flames
M. Gauding, M. Bode, D. Denker, Y. Brahami, L. Danaila, E. Varea

2019: A mixture-fraction-based hybrid binomial Langevin-multiple mapping conditioning model
Andrew P. Wandel, R. Peter Lindstedt

2017: The cross-scale physical-space transfer of kinetic energy in turbulent premixed flames
Jeffrey O’Brien, Colin A.Z. Towery, Peter E. Hamlington, Matthias Ihme, Alexei Y. Poludnenko, Javier Urzay

2015: Heat release imaging in turbulent premixed methane-air flames close to blow-off
J. Kariuki, A. Dowlut, R. Yuan, R. Balachandran, E. Mastorakos

2013: Large eddy simulation of a lifted ethylene flame using a dynamic nonequilibrium model for subfilter scalar variance and dissipation rate
Colleen M. Kaul, Venkat Raman, Edward Knudsen, Edward S. Richardson, Jacqueline H. Chen

2011: Experimental study of flame-hole reignition mechanisms in a turbulent non-premixed jet flame using sustained multi-kHz PIV and crossed-plane OH PLIF
A.M. Steinberg, I. Boxx, C.M. Arndt, J.H. Frank, W. Meier

Detonation, Explosion, and Supersonic Combustion

2022: Statistical analysis of detonation wave structure
Mark D. Frederick, Rohan M. Gejji, Joseph E. Shepherd, Carson D. Slabaugh

2021: Detonation propagation across a stratified layer with a diffuse interface
C. Metrow, V. Yousefi and G. Ciccarelli

2019: Compressible turbulent flame speeds of highly turbulent standing flames
Jonathan Sosa, Jessica Chambers, Kareem A. Ahmed, Alexei Poludnenko, Vadim N. Gamezo

2017: The dependence of Ammonium-Nitrate Fuel-Oil (ANFO) detonation on confinement
Scott I. Jackson

2015: Experimental study of spherical-flame acceleration mechanisms in large-scale propane-air flames
C. Regis Bauwens, Jeffrey M. Bergthorson, Sergey B. Dorofeev

2013: Detonation re-initiation mechanism following the Mach reflection of a quenched detonation
R.R. Bhattacharjee, S.S.M. Lau-Chapdelaine, G. Maines, L. Maley, M.I. Radulescu

2011: Gasdynamic model of turbulent combustion in TNT explosions
A.L. Kuhl, J.B. Bell, V.E. Beckner, H. Reichenbach

Solid Fuel Combustion

2022: Resolved simulations of single iron particle combustion and the release of nano-particles
Leon C. Thijs, C.E.A.G. van Gool, W.J.S. Ramaekers, Jeroen A. van Oijen, L.P.H. de Goey

2021: A new insight into chemical reactions between biomass and alkaline additives during pyrolysis process
Wei Chen, Kaixu Li, Zhiqun Chen, MingWei Xia, Yingquan Chen, Haiping Yang, Xu Chen, Hanping Chen

2019: A model of the chemical composition and pyrolysis kinetics of lignin  
Karla Dussan, Stephen Dooley, Rory F.D. Monaghan

2017: Flamelet LES modeling of coal combustion with detailed devolatilization by directly coupled CPD
M. Rieth, A.G. Clements, M. Rabaçal, F. Proch, O.T. Stein, A.M. Kempf

2015: Simulations of heterogeneous propellant combustion: Effect of particle orientation and shape
Mathieu Plaud, Stany Gallier, Matthieu Morel

2013: Combustion of microno-sized particles of titanium and zirconium
Carlo Badiola, Edward L. Dreizin

2011: Experimental and numerical investigation of hetero-/homogeneous combustion of CO/H2/O2/N2 mixtures over platinum at pressures up to 5 bar
Yohannes Ghermay, John Mantzaras, Rolf Bombach

Fire Research

2022: Experimental study on downward/opposed flame Spread and extinction over electric wires in partial gravity environments
Yusuke Konno, Yutao Li, Jean-Marie Citerne, Guillaume Legros, Augustin Guibaud, Nozomu Hashimoto, Osamu Fujita

2021: An analysis of the stabilization of fire whirls      
Shangpeng Li, Qiang Yao, Chung K. Law

2019: Flame length of buoyant turbulent slot flame   
Wei Gao, Naian Liu, Yan Jiao, Xiaodong Xie, Ying Pan, Zilong Li, Xisheng Luo, Linhe Zhang, Ran Tu

2017: Oxygen index effect on the structure of a laminar boundary layer diffusion flame in a reduced gravity environment
J. Contreras, J.-L. Consalvi, A. Fuentes

2015: Estimation of local mass burning rates for steady laminar boundary layer diffusion flames
Ajay V. Singh, Michael J. Gollner

2013: Study of the competing chemical reactions in the initiation and spread of smouldering combustion in peat
Rory M. Hadden, Guillermo Rein, Claire M. Belcher

2011: A comprehensive methodology for characterizing sprinkler sprays
Ning Ren, Howard Baum, André Marshall


2022: Suppression of self-excited thermoacoustic instabilities by convective-acoustic interference
Eirik Æsøy, Girish K. Jankee, Srikar Yadala, Nicholas A. Worth, James R. Dawson

Soot, Nanomaterials, and Large Molecules

2022: Prenucleation chemistry of aromatics: A two-ring precursor?
Michael Frenklach, Alexander M. Mebel

2021: Effects of maturity and temperature on soot density and specific heat
Hope A. Michelsen

2019: Insights into incipient soot formation by atomic force microscopy
Fabian Schulz, Mario Commodo, Katharina Kaiser, Gianluigi De Falco, Patrizia Minutolo, Gerhard Meyer, Andrea D‘Anna, Leo Gross

2017: Real-time observation of soot aggregate oxidation in an Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope
Anton D. Sediako, Charles Soong, Jane Y. Howe, Mohammad Reza Kholghy, Murray J. Thomson

2015: Kinetics of nascent soot oxidation by molecular oxygen in a flow reactor
Joaquin Camacho, Yujie Tao, Hai Wang

2013: Coagulation of combustion generated nanoparticles in low and intermediate temperature regimes: An experimental study
Mariano Sirignano, Andrea D’Anna

2011: Carbon condensation wave in C3O2 and C2H2 initiated by a shock wave
A. Emelianov, A. Eremin, H. Jander, H.Gg. Wagner

Numerical Combustion

2022: Manifold-informed state vector subset for reduced-order modeling
Kamila Zdyba, James C. Sutherland, Alessandro Parente

Multi-Physics Phenomena

2022: Modelling a detailed kinetic mechanism for electrocatalytic reduction of CO2
Simon Rihm, Jethro Akroyd, Markus Kraft

Stationary Combustion Systems

2021: Digital twin of a combustion furnace operating in flameless conditions: reduced-order model development from CFD simulations
Gianmarco Aversano, Marco Ferrarotti, Alessandro Parente

2019: Mechanism and kinetics of Cu2O oxidation in chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling
Mingze Su, Jie Cao, Xin Tian, Yongliang Zhang, Haibo Zhao

2017: Ash deposition propensity of coals/blends combustion in boilers: a modelling analysis based on multi-slagging routes
Xin Yang, Derek Ingham, Lin Ma, Nanda Srinivasan, Mohamed Pourkashanian

2015: Catalytic role of conditioner CaO in nitrogen transformation during sewage sludge pyrolysis
Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Peng Liu, Xiaowei Hu, Aijun Li, Hong Yao

2013: The effect of pelletization on the attrition of wood under fluidized bed combustion and gasification conditions
Paola Ammendola, Riccardo Chirone, Giovanna Ruoppolo, Fabrizio Scala

2011: Identifying modes of occurrence of mercury in coal by temperature programmed pyrolysis
Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao, Minghou Xu, Rajenda Gupta, Zhenghe Xu

Formation and Control of Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases

2017: Soot, organics, and ultrafine ash from air- and oxy-fired coal combustion
Myrrha E. Andersen, Nabanita Modak, Christopher K. Winterrowd, Chun Wai Lee, William L. Roberts, Jost O.L. Wendt, William P. Linak