Ballots: Board of Directors Election

The 2016 Board of Directors election will begin on 15 June 2016 via electronic ballot. Active CI members with a confirmed email address will receive a ballot from Election-America, a secure and full-service election management organization. Ballots may be submitted...

Symposium Early Registration Ends Soon

The discounted early registration deadline for the 36th International Symposium on Combustion is 7 June 2016.  The Combustion Institute office encourages members to register as soon as possible to receive a 20% discount. Accommodations are available as part of the...

New Sessions on Industry Perspectives

The Combustion Institute is pleased to announce Sessions on Industry Perspectives will debut at the 36th International Symposium on Combustion in Seoul, Korea. The new feature is designed to bring about closer interactions between industry and members of our...

Review Board of Directors Candidates

The Combustion Institute Board of Directors Nominating Committee and President Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus have selected and approved 10 candidates for the 2016 elections. Members are encouraged to review the full slate of candidates prior to the election process. Five...