

The Combustion Institute bestows several medals and awards for the most significant contributions in the field of combustion. Award committees have the honor and the responsibility to seek nominations and select winners among our international community of combustion scientists and practitioners.


Bernard Lewis Gold Medal is named after Bernard Lewis (1899-1993), a founding member of The Combustion Institute. As a physical chemist in the Chief Explosives and Physical Sciences Division of the U.S. Bureau of Mines in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Lewis was a pioneer in theoretical and experimental combustion research. In this position Lewis directed research in combustion, flames, explosions, and explosives. Lewis’ lifetime of work and his passion to help young scientists shaped the modern field of combustion research. Read more

Alfred C. Egerton Gold Medal is named after Sir Alfred C. Egerton (1886-1959), the first chairman of the British Section of The Combustion Institute. As a professor at the Imperial College of Science and Technology, Egerton was an acknowledged leader in Britain among scientists engaged in research in the field of combustion, explosions, and flame. In his later career, Egerton devised with his students, a flat-flame burner configuration that advanced flame measurements under ideal conditions for combustion scientists around the world. Read more

Ya. B. Zeldovich Gold Medal is named after Yakov Borisovich Zeldovich (1914-1987), a pre-eminent Soviet physicist. His far-reaching scientific achievements spanned many fields ranging from physical chemistry to nuclear and particle physics, and finally astrophysics and cosmology. Zeldovich worked on the theory of ignition, combustion, and detonation. He achieved important results in the theory of nuclear chain reactions. He also discovered an oxidation of nitrogen mechanism, known in physical chemistry as Thermal NO Mechanism or the Zeldovich Mechanism. Read more

Jürgen Warnatz Gold Medal is named after Professor Jürgen Warnatz (1944-2007), a former managing director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) at Ruprecht Karls University, Heidelberg, Germany. He also served as a chair of the German Section of The Combustion Institute. Warnatz pioneered a research approach on modeling and simulation of chemical reactive flows, particularly looking at the molecular reactions involved and transport processes. His life’s work and publications influenced the application of combustion science around the world. Read more

Research Excellence Award of The Combustion Institute is given to registered CI members who, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, have published excellent research papers that have had a major impact on the field of combustion science. Impact is determined by several factors, one of which is the number of citations to papers that have been published in Combustion and Flame, PROCI, Combustion Science and Technology, and Combustion Theory and Modelling. Members who are not eligible for this award are Fellows of The Combustion Institute. Gold medal winners, past and present Board members and Editors of Combustion and Flame, and PROCI. In future years, previous winners of this award are not eligible to receive it again. Read more

Fellows of The Combustion Institute are members of the international combustion community recognized by their peers as distinguished for outstanding contributions to combustion, whether it be in research or in applications. This lifetime honorific title confers no special rights, privileges or duties. Fellows are active participants in The Combustion Institute, as evidenced by the publishing of papers in CI affiliated journals, attendance at the International Symposia on Combustion, and/or attendance at CI Section meetings. Read more

Hiroshi Tsuji Early Career Researcher Award is co-sponsored by Elsevier and The Combustion Institute. The award recognizes an early career researcher who has demonstrated excellence in fundamental or applied combustion science and has achieved a significant advancement in their field within four to ten years of completing a doctoral degree or equivalent. The award is named after Professor Hiroshi Tsuji, whose stable porous cylinder counterflow burner configuration has influenced fundamental studies and applications in laminar and turbulent combustion. Read more

Silver Combustion Medal recognizes an outstanding distinguished paper from the previous International Symposium on Combustion. A distinguished paper selected for this honor exemplifies quality, achievement, and significance to advance a field of combustion science. First presented in 1958, at Oxford University, UK, the silver medal is bestowed biennially to the authors of a selected paper during the International Symposium on Combustion. Read more

Distinguished Papers are selected biennially from among the scientific papers presented during the International Symposium on Combustion and accepted for publication in the Proceedings of The Combustion Institute. One paper is selected for each represented colloquium as the most distinguished in quality, achievement, and significance. Read more

Bernard Lewis Fellowship was established to encourage high quality research in combustion by young scientists and engineers. Fellowships are awarded biennially during the International Symposium on Combustion. Each recipient must be either a student or combustion scientist within three years of completing their last educational degree, an author of a paper accepted at the current symposium, and a member of The Combustion Institute. Read more